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Comune di Milazzo 



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Università di Messina

Special issue dedicated to ISEO2023 Journal of Essential Oil Research

JEORJournal of Essential Oil Research will be publishing a Virtual Special Issue (VSI) of contributions presented at the “53rd International Symposium on Essential Oils” (ISEO2023) from September 13-16, 2023 in Milazzo, Messina, italy.

Special issue information:
The VSI will cover all topics related to essential oils and related natural products. Including Breeding, Cultivation, Analysis, Biogenesis, Biological activity, Chemistry and Utilization.

Manuscript Submission information:
You are invited to submit your manuscript at any time before the submission deadline. For any inquires about the appropriateness of contribution topic, please contact the Guest Editors.

The journal submission platform will be available from September 1, 2023 for receiving submissios to this Special Issue. Please refer to the Guidelines to Authors to prepare your manuscript, and select the VSI ISEO2023 when submitting your manuscript online.

Visit Journal of Essential Oil Research website for information.

Submission deadline: March 01, 2024



Prof. Luigi Mondello
University of Messina
Messina, Italy
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Guest Editors:

Prof. Györgyi Horváth
University of Pécs
Pécs, Hungary
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Prof. Daniel Strub
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Wrocław (WUT), Poland
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Contact us at: iseo2023@iseoils.com