Call for Papers


The scientific program will include both oral and poster presentations. A specific session will be dedicated to presentations from young scientists, who we like to encourage to register for the “Young Scientist Session” and will be supported by IFEAT fellowships.


ISEO2025 Submission of abstracts


Abstract: You are invited to submit original contributions for oral and poster presentations related to the Symposium topics. The use of the abstract template (maximum 1 A4 page per submission) is mandatory. Correspondence regarding abstracts will be sent only to the corresponding author. It is their responsibility to forward the information to all co-authors. Every effort will be made to accommodate the author's wish for oral or poster presentation, but the organizers reserve the right of final decision. At least one of the authors must register to participate in the congress, otherwise the Scientific Committee will not consider the abstract. One registered participant may register two abstracts.

Oral presentations: PowerPoint, PDF presentations are accepted on USB sticks. The presentation has to be copied to the laptop at the beginning of the session.

Poster presentation: Poster size: A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm) Orientation: Portrait


Topics of ISEO2025


In 2025, the Symposium will include the following topics:

  • cultivation, growing and processing of plants, production of plant material for the preparation of essential oils
  • uses and biological activities of essential oils and volatiles
  • new trends in the production and analysis of essential oils
  • procurement and trade of essential oils, legal regulations
  • ecological significance of essential oils and volatiles
  • biological variability of volatiles
  • sensory aspects of volatiles
  • molecular and metabolomic trends in volatiles
  • biotransformation and biocatalysis of volatile compounds
  • regulatory aspects, toxicology of essential oils and their compounds
  • nanotechnology of essential oils and natural volatiles …..????

Key Dates

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: June 1, 2025

Deadline for Early Bird Registration: June 29, 2025