On behalf of the Organising Committee, we are glad to announce that the 53rd International Symposium on Essential Oils (ISEO 2023), will be held from Wednesday 13 to Saturday 16 September 2023 at the Trifiletti Theatre of Milazzo, Via Cumbo Borgia, 98057 Milazzo (Messina, Italy). This symposium series has been organized annually in Europe since 1969 (with an exception in pandemic year of 2020) in order to stimulate cooperation among scientists for the advancement of research and development into the science of essential oils and their constituents. The Congress aims to bring together all those scientists involved in essential oils and related natural products research, and to offer unique opportunities for networking and discussion. The organizers will try to cover in the best way all the different aspects of essential oils and their constituents, from traditional sectors to more innovative ones. This meeting will address all aspects of essential oils and related natural products. The main discussion topics are the following:
- Breeding
- Cultivation
- Analysis
- Biogenesis
- Biological activity
- Chemistry
- Utilization
Participants are cordially invited to present the results of their research activity with oral communications or posters. The final program will be defined taking into account the contributions proposed by the participants. Invited Plenary Lectures will open every session of the conference. Scholarships will be provided to support young researchers interested in attending the conference. We kindly encourage you to join this meeting, and we look forward to meet you in Milazzo in September 2023. Paola Dugo Luigi Mondello Chairpersons

Milazzo is an Italian town of about 30,000 peoples in the metropolitan city of Messina (Sicily).
Founded by the Greeks around 716 BC and from 36 BC recognized as a Roman civitas, the city was at the centre of history also during the First Punic War (260 BC), and in July 1860 with the arrival of the red shirts in the battle of Milazzo. There are numerous testimonies and symbols of the millenary history of the city. The city rises at the beginning of a peninsula about 8 km long (Capo Milazzo) in the Tyrrhenian Sea, heading north. Recently the Protected Marine Area (AMP) has been instituted along the promontory, in defence of the beauty and marine and terrestrial living organisms. In addition, the city hosts some of the most beautiful beaches and three marinas where it is possible to rent boats for guided tours. Milazzo was in the past traditionally famous for the production of jasmine essential oil and for its citrus plantations. Today is one of the most important sites of floriculture, horticulture nursery gardening of Southern Italy.
The Congress venue will be in the heart of city centre, at the “Trifiletti” Theater” built in 1911 on a project by Letterio Savoja, on the initiative of Stefano Trifiletti, an enterprising and multifaceted entrepreneur who intended to create a multipurpose structure capable of hosting the most varied forms of entertainment. Inaugurated on 29 June 1912, it covered an area of over one thousand square meters in which 47 boxes and three hundred seats were included in the beautiful exhibition hall. From 1912 to the seventies the greatest interpreters of opera, prose and light theatre passed through it. Recently the theatre has been renovated with new seats, air conditioning, and other useful facilities to meet more comfortable standards.